Monday, January 25, 2010

January 18 - 24, 2010

Fortie Family Flyer
January 18 – 24, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,
Actually this is a lie. There is no family letter this week. Both of our computers still have a fever and a runny noise. This virus has really taken them down. Bro. Taylor is working on them as of yesterday when he came home teaching. He is putting everything over to my external hard drive and is going to then wipe the hard drive and start over. I will then have to download all my programs again. Hopefully it will all work and we will be back to normal sometime this week. With 3 students needing computers and me on one all the time it has really caused problems. I am now using mom's computer just to send this note.
I went and took pictures of the Mt. Timp temple after a snowstorm that hit Utah County. They look OK (nothing real great). I also got a cheap pair of snowshoes with my Christmas money and used them at the mouth of Butterfield Canyon to go around the wild horse ranch to get some shots of the horses. I enjoyed the trip but the snowshoes are not the highest quality. I may combine birthday money and get better snowshoes. With those trips and family pictures my 2 memory cards are almost full so I need my computer soon.
Other than that we are just doing same old same old. Tami has been sick for over a month now (caused by her flu shot that weakened her so she caught something else). The doctor has given her some medication to get rid of the junk and she is finally improving. The girls seem to be improving with physical therapy so improvements are happening all around. Michelle and I are visiting the dentist for a few fixes then Jennifer can get in. Brian's car is having troubles and we need to get his horn fixed but it does run for the most part.
I have read a few interesting books this week that I will have to write about in another letter. One is called "Aspire" that is quite interesting. Another is about possible locations of some of the cities that were destroyed by the earthquake at Christ's crucifixion. Interesting stuff.
Well, I am learning more and more about genealogy as I continue to teach my class. I have also learned a great deal from teaching the High Priests. I continue to learn from the temple and the scriptures as I read and study. The Lord is merciful and His grace is sufficient to overcome weaknesses.
Well, must get to work and let Tami have her computer for work.
Keep reading and studying,
Ken and clan

From Elder Fortie,

Good heavens I don't know what happens to my days anymore. They just kinda float in and out of space, disappearing and coming and going as they wish, popping in and out from parrallel dimentions. (I know... I can't spell anymore, it's not my fault!) So this week... uhm... I taught 27 member present lessons... which is amazing and unheard of... so that was pretty cool... Our zone for the second week in a row taught over 200 lessons, something no one else has ever done, also cool... uhm... we have 3 more baptisms coming up for next week! That’s really good, but we're a little nervous, they are totally ready, but they are afraid, so your prayers in behalf of the Perez family, are very welcome. I'm going bowling in Alemeda with the zone... I think this will be the first p-day that I've actually taken a p-day... my car is in the dealership because some stupid heat shield wasn't put on right and it's rattling against the insides of the car... so I might get to borrow Elder Hess's (a senior couple missionary) Cadillac... that would be fun haha. Okay, probably not really... but him and I joked about it! Uhm, I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm realizing every day that I can't believe how time passes as I realized I've been the zone leader here for like 6 months... I can't believe how time flies. I saw my "son" Elder Dalton the other day, he's all grown up! He's been out almost 9 months! Dang that makes me feel old... anyhow. Well, I'm sorry this letter is so lame... I can't think of anything really eventful this week, other then the fact that it's been raining cats and dogs still... lame! Anyhow, I hope you are all doing well. Stay strong, keep the faith, and keep a smile!

Love, Elder Fortie!

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