Monday, August 3, 2009

July 27 - August 2, 2009

Fortie Family Flyer
July 27 – August 2, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,
A warm and busy week for the end of July but it’s going to get even busier with girls camp coming up and trips to Montana and Washington for the girls. Tami and I get to stay home and work but the kids get to go play, somehow that just doesn’t seem right.
Well, this week Jennifer had her birthday. We had the big family thing on Sunday so Monday was mostly time to chill with the girls and friends. Jennifer (and Michelle) and Tami went shopping for clothes for Jennifer (and Michelle). They got a few things and had fun. That night Jennifer spent some time with a friend so Tami and I went to a movie.
The rest of the week has been work for the adults and the kids spending time with cousins at grandpa and grandma’s so we haven’t seen much of them. I finally went over there on Saturday for a hike. Curt and Mary Kay went on this hike to Cecret Lake up at Alta and said the flowers were just right so we decided to take the kids with us and do the same. It was grandpa, Cheryl and I with her kids, Ashley and my girls. It was a nice walk and we enjoyed it. There was a group of artists up there all set up with easels, painting various versions of the beautiful landscape all around. I wish I could have joined them. We left a bit late causing a bit of a rush for those needing to get down to the valley for a dinner with Alan’s family. They were able to get out quickly but I lingered (which they all make fun of on a regular basis) going on several side trails to get some good shots. My kids (and Ashley and friend) were waiting at the car for me (one car left early) and I snuck up on them and turned on the car alarm as they were all sitting on the hood. They all flew a few feet in the air and I had a good laugh. We stopped the car a few times on the way down and I got a few good shots. I found it very hard to capture the true greatness of the area. If I took a wide shot to get the full beauty of mountains and meadows the small individual flowers tended to become tiny specs of color but if I took a shot of a small group of flowers the great expanse of mountains and meadows remained unseen. The human mind and eyes are truly amazing being able to soak it all in, close and far small and great gathering in and enjoying such an amazing place. Everyone should go up there a few times a year; you can’t get the wonderful feeling that exists there from pictures alone. I ran into a few ladies who live here now but are from Iran and they said that area reminded them of some places in Iran. They said we Americans think their whole country is a desert but she said they have beautiful mountains like ours. We had a nice conversation and I found them to be good humble people. With my conversations with others and my wandering about on several side trails I was always behind the others, but that’s what I enjoy (and they are used to it).
After the hike Jennifer, Michelle and I went to our cast party. We had fun and they gave out a few awards to the directors and those who helped out. We ate and talked and played games. I joined a few people at a karaoke machine and we sang some old songs. It was fun.
Sunday the girls were at grandpa and grandma’s for church and Tami wasn’t feeling well so I went to church alone. After church I went to choir practice and I was one of only two basses and there were no tenors. The song is fairly hard to sing and we are singing it next week. Hope we do ok.
After choir I dashed home (I was on the scooter) to get the car so I could go pick Bro. Mueller up to go visiting a few families to talk to them about where they are with their genealogy. We are trying to get around to everyone in the ward eventually. Both families received us well and wanted to do more but just didn’t know what to do. We gave them a few things to get them started and will check up on them in a few weeks to see how they are doing. Afterwards Bro. Mueller and I had a nice conversation before heading home. He is a good humble man and I enjoy working with him.
At home I quickly put some of my pictures from our hike on Facebook in case those at grandpa and grandma’s wanted to see them. Tami had to work for a few hours because of bad weather back east (causing delays and lots of calls). She then made a few desserts and then we headed out. We had a nice meal to break our fast and enjoyed all the company there (the kids had invited a few friends so we had a good crowd). After dinner we played a game called Witt and Wagers (I think) and it was fun. We then had dessert and headed home. Some of the kids friends said they had never seen that much ice-cream in one place, they were overwhelmed.
Well, that’s it in our world. Hope all is well in yours.
Ken and clan

From Brian:
Dear Family,
On Monday for family home evening we had some people come from this place that teaches swing dancing, and we all learned to swing dance. It was way fun, I learned a whole bunch of stuff, but I was so bad at it, poor girl who had to dance with me was probably so frustrated. I could not remember for the life of me the moves.
After the dance a few of us went over to Scott’s house a friend of mine. His younger sister Heather who I know pretty well was back from participating in the Hill Cumorah pageant for a few weeks. She had been finger painting book of Mormon stories and showed me some. Then Scott, Heather and a bunch of us played Apples to Apples.
On Tuesday I did a lot of study at the apartment. And I went to the Library and applied for a few jobs and checked out some more things to study.
On Wednesday I went to the community college to get my contract for the Pell Grant that I got. I now don’t have to pay for school in the fall or next spring so I am very glad.
On Thursday I found out to my horror that the reservations I had made for the Oquirrh Mountain temple had been expired when I got to grandpa and grandmas to print them off. I guess you had to do it within 24 hours and I had no access to a computer.
I was in a panic. Here I had 4 investigators I was going to take to the temple and suddenly our reservations were gone. I called the temple and they said that yes they give them away after 24 hours. There was also no more reservations left with only 3 days to go.
I called Mark who was who I am taking (and his family) because he had made reservations too incase I didn’t. He had said the day before that he would cancel his because I had made some. I called him to tell him not to cancel them and he said he just had about 10 minutes ago.
I was thinking by now, “this is not happening! Why would the Lord let this fall through, I am trying to do missionary work here. They will probably never again get to see an open house.”
I knelt and said a sincere prayer and then I opened my scriptures to 3 Nephi 1 where Nephi goes to the forest to pray on behalf of those who are about to be destroyed because of the unbelievers. It says “He went out and bowed himself down upon the earth and cried mightily to his God in behalf of his people.”
The words that stood out to me were “His God” Nephi knew in whom he put his trust. He was not talking to the sky or the ceiling, but a being with ears who heard his prayer. And Lucky for Nephi, he just so happened to be petitioning the most powerful being in the universe. Nephi knew darn well that His God, the one he chose, had power to make things happen. And happen they did.
That hit me. It’s my God to, the same one as Nephi’s. And I had been having fear. But my God has the power to make things happen. Including let 4 non-members get into an open house.
At night I went home teaching by myself because I could not get ahold of my companion. She is moving so it was the last visit. She works a lot and is sort of less active.
On Friday I went early in the morning to fill an assignment. It was so packed! Everyone and his dog were coming in. We had been admitting people who just showed up without a reservation until 10:00 but then authorities came and said not to let them in unless they were out of state, and tell them to come back Saturday at 8 in the morning.
Then at noon we even had to start turning away people from out of state without a reservation. Then Mark and his family pulled in at just passed 1 and I turned in my badge and went and took them through the temple open house. It worked because I was in parking and told them where to go and their ticket was validated. In the tent to watch the movie it was standing room only. Mark has a disabled wife and her elderly parents. So I saw four teachers aged boys sitting and sort of talking amongst each other. I went over and asked, “Hey boys, could I ask a priesthood duty of you three?” They perked up and said “Sure” I said “could you stand and let these people sit here?” The fourth one said “I will too” and he let Mark take his spot. They stood tall in the back for what they did.
We went through and they all had a bunch of good questions and were fascinated. I could have used Chad or Jason there because Mark was the only one that knew English real well. He married a Hispanic wife.
They were amazed with the mirrors opposite from each other to create a corridor of diminishing images. Afterwards in the big tent his mother in law said something to me in Spanish and Mark translated it, She said “when you come to Mexico City, you have a house there. You are welcome at our house.” It was great.
At night I went home teaching again. Well it wasn’t home teaching it was school teaching. I home teach a second grade teacher and she was busy working setting up her class room so I went and taught her in the school.
Then I went to the Summit. It’s a big young single adult weekend, for all singles in the Salt Lake Valley. We had dinner and then Jason Hewlett a singer comedian came to perform. He did a whole bunch of impressions of singers and rock stars, from Elvis to Michael Jackson to Billy Joel and Elton John and lots more. It was so funny we were laughing so hard. And he can do a whole bunch of strange contortions with his face.
On Saturday we went to grandpa and grandmas and hung out with cousins and the family. Then later on I had to make a decision between going to the rest of summit or my friend Jonathans bachelor party. (we had an LDS one for him). I went to that, and we had a fire up in the mountains and just goofed off, talked about girls, dating and stuff. MAN THINGS!!!
On Sunday I had an early morning meeting at 7 with the sister missionaries. (Jason you remember Benson Whitney, he is the Ward mission Leader of another ward now. He was there too.)
Our ward is doing amazing with missionary work. We had 3 investigators at church last week and one baptism on the way.
At church I bore my testimony about what happened with the temple open house and I really felt the spirit very strong, that I know in whom I have put my trust. After church we went out to Grandparents and had a big dinner with the family. Also a friend of Whitney’s from EFY came, Dallin, and had dinner with us. Afterwards we all climbed the tree in the backyard and I re-immortalized myself in the tree with a new name as I could not remember my childhood code name.
We came in and all went downstairs and played Mafia. It was way fun. The poor boys kept getting ganged up on and killed off by the voting girls. Michelle was just um doing her thing… whatever that was, and Whitney was entirely oblivious to all signs on who was who or what was going on. It was funny. Well I better get this off.

Love you all. Brian

From Elder Fortie:
Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 12:55 PM
Well another week has come and gone, and this one honestly I don't know where it went... This week, I got to work 0, a big fat 0 days in my area... I tell you being in mission leadership sure takes a toll out of my work, hopefully once all the changes of the merging missions become more permanent and smoothed out I will get more time to work, but for now I spent most of my week driving about 500 miles in my car between meetings at presidents house, the office in Oakland, appointments with church leaders in San Francisco and the rest of the peninsula, playing taxi for all the people that had to be in Oakland for trainings, and the delivery man for all the people living down town who don't have a car. I love serving the other missionaries and being trusted to do all these things, but I've never been much of a fan of administrative work, and I sure find myself having to do a lot of it lately, but I guess someone needs to do it. It's been interesting, and I've had to get special permission to be alone on several instances, like I drove from San Francisco to Oakland (about 1 1/2 in traffic) alone to go pick up the new missionaries... it was really awkward, it's been a long time since I've not had someone to talk to all the time... It was kinda lonely haha. But I am glad that they trust me to do that sort of stuff.
My two rays of sunlight in this busy hectic week full of stuff was #1 Jeans baptism!!!!! It was AMAZING!!! His mom Joana, a recent convert since April, gave one of the most amazing talks on baptism ever, both Jean and I were fighting back tears as she gave it, the spirit there was incredible and I loved every minute of it! Then as I went down into the water with him to baptize him, he whispered "this is the happiest day of my life!" I've never seen him so glowing with happiness! Then afterwards as I was helping him put on his tie I said to him, that any time he ever feels discouraged he should just remember the feeling he has right now and he said "the feeling of being baptized... Elder Fortie, this feels so good!" Ah it was amazing, and us missionaries did a musical number at the end that was like nothing else, we had to change the song as we were going up to sing it because Jean asked us to sing his favorite hymn instead of the one we had planned and practiced, so as were standing up there whispered the change to everyone and just prayed it would turn out decent... angels carried that song, it was so pure and beautiful and it just felt like we were in a concert hall the way it rang through the relief society room. I was making up a base part as we went and when we got done everyone was asking who was singing what part because there was beautiful harmonies going on, and I was the only one singing anything other then melody... the other parts and harmonies came from somewhere else, we had help on that song, it was amazing!
And the #2 thing was working with Jean and his Mom as we prepared him for baptism! They are incredible! Since the Matute family is no longer in my mission, they have become the ones to fill their place for me, they love us to death and will do anything for us and they are just a blast to be around, we had a piñata to celebrate jeans baptism and it was hilarious! One of the funnest times of my mission, as Joana tried to smack me with the stick instead of the piñata, I (who was controlling the rope) dropped it on her head! We were all laughing so hard I thought I was going to rupture my spleen! She is an incredible lady and she does so much for us, she works herself half to death as a single mother in one of the most expensive parts of the country, and any time she is not working she gives to 2 things, her 12 year old son, and the missionaries. She may have little in this life, but there is a mansion awaiting this woman in the life to come for all the love and care she gives to us. In fact as I was sitting here typing this she called me just to check and see if I was feeling better (yesterday was a rather stressful day, some missionaries have been very contentious lately, and I'm the one that gets to deal with them, and I was in meetings most of the day and had to do some reports that kept me up the night before so I had a pretty nasty head ache by the time I got to our appointment at their house, and she tried to spend the whole appointment trying to take care of me, she is amazing.) She does more missionary work then any other member in this ward, last night she invited her apartment manager over to her house to watch Legacy with her! She is truly fantastic!
Well the rest of my week has been filled with meetings, reports and doing disciplinary work... the more I see what other missionaries are like outside the former San Francisco mission the more I admire and miss President Keller, he had established the most obedient mission in this part of the country, and now that were mixed in with some Oakland missionaries who aren't quite on the same page as us, well lets just say there's been some adjusting to be done. So anyhow, that's it for my week, how was yours haha!?
By the way, anyone that is aware that my birthday is coming up, if you were planning on sending me anything (not that you need to) but just a warning if you had the intentions, don't bother haha, I don't have room for any more stuff. Food is okay, that only takes up space until I eat it, but there's not much room for any more stuff. If you truly feel inclined to send me anything, just send me a couple bucks, yes it's boring I know, but I promise you it is more needed then stuff, I'm trying to slowly pool my funds to get my camera fixed. Anyhow, I hope you are all doing well, I love you all and I will talk to you later!
Elder Fortie

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